Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This is going way back.

At my cottage, when I was a child, I watched the sandpipers turn from black to white to black to white above the beach with my grandfather. The sandpipers remind me of him, and then, and the rocky beach on the Minas Basin, and the cottage, and everything. The sandpipers made their nests in little holes in the cliff face.

I finally figured out the proper name... it's the Semipalmated Sandpiper.

Image taken from Birds of Nova Scotia by Robie Tufts.

Sandpipers in flight over the Bay of Fundy: (the end is the best part)

Video from janetkateleighan's YouTube channel.


Thinking of noteworthy birds... this is Mordecai:

... of Royal Tenenbaums fame. (Which is one of my favorite movies of all time, if you ever needed to know)

Here is something very cool. This...

...leads to this:

(from Laura Musselman's photostream)

And I discovered tonight that someone (or perhaps more than one person) has gone to the trouble of creating a MySpace account for every character in The Royal Tenenbaums. I saw a good many from The Life Aquatic as well.

Because Eli was always my favorite, I'll link to him first.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Birds on a wire lamp by eos Mexico. I wish I knew where to find one of these. I may attempt to make one... someday...

Found in this very interesting article.

Okay, and because this one is just awesome... For my brother: Bovine Abductee lamp.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Today I'm sharing pictures of myself and my baby wearing a Didymos babywearing wrap...

This is my favorite wrap. Made by Didymos.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hummingbird, Baby

Today on the metro I was thinking about the blog medium, and how it is so... something because it is starting anew at the end of the story every day. The reader goes backward though it, and may not ever reach the true beginning, just the end, over and over (if they come back). And it starts in medias res, so reaching the beginning doesn't mean so much, anyway.

Also, in the metro, I was thinking about topography and how I couldn't be sure at that exact moment where I was, and my location was reduced to "somewhere in the metro, between x and y," which is really not very specific at all.

But I came here tonight to give you the images that started it all:

(But mostly the first one)

These were patches I found at the Anarchist book fair when R was one year old, and I felt an affinity with the bird because we both were wearing our babies (and maybe flying away.) Made by the Beehive Collective.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Birds and Sea

Well, I had a kind of a revelation in class today, and it led to ideas for this blog. I'm hereby digging it up from the ashes. I figure that over time, my great plan will be revealed (or not a plan, what's the word?) and you will have opportunity for insight into my life and thought process. Mostly the thoughts, actually. I think this will be more of a sanctuary.

I've been looking at fabric recently, and this stuff appealed to me immediately. I can't figure out who made it, but it's Japanese and printed on cotton/linen. I love the ocean... and birds, well, you know about that. I bought some, but it was the last half-yard they had in stock. You can find the same stuff with dark blue, red or brown waves on Etsy.com or random online fabric sites, alternately known as "birds and sea" or "seabirds."