Monday, March 3, 2008

Meme Time

I've been tagged by Emeline of Cochonet Rouge, and where she expressed concerns of blog loser-dom over only knowing five bloggers, I have to admit that the only blogger I know other than myself is Emeline (being new to the scene and all... heh...). So no links for you, Internet! I'm the end of the line!

7 Strange factoids about me:

1. My original plan for life was to become a neuroscientist.
2. I recently learned that my inability to add and subtract without counting on my fingers while being at the same time quite genius at complex math is a named condition: dyscalculia (While not all of these attributes apply to me, many of them are surprisingly spot on. Who knew that I naturally suck at paying bills?)
3. I am extremely (and irrationally) embarassed by exercise. Extremely. ie. I looked up a basic yoga how-to on the internet and tried it out in my bedroom, and when my partner/husband-man walked in I jumped up, shooed him away, and couldn't relax enough to start again until I was confident that he was occupied in another room.
4. I was "diagnosed" with Oppositional Defiant Disorder in junior high. (Later, I read up on the "condition" and determined that it was in fact a misdiagnosis, but the title still amuses me today)
5. I was vehemently anti-child until I was hit with a sudden surge of baby fever, and I've never gone back (heh...)
6. I'm an athiest (well, at least mostly an athiest... I lack conviction as well as faith), but I believe in horoscopes as if they're hard facts or universal truths.
7. I am terribly (and tragically) allergic to cumin.

“7 Things” Meme How To:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their Blogs
5. Have fun!

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